
Orchestrate Teamevent Spielgestalter


Team Building With Guaranteed Goosebumps

The final notes of Carmina Burana are fading out to thunderous applause. The conductor gives the orchestra an appreciative nod – you and your colleagues that is! This is a day you will remember ten years from now!

Emotional Team Building Par Excellence

“A symphonic orchestra is probably among the most evocative examples of a well-rehearsed team.

All members must fine-tune their activities to one another. Given diverse skills and diverse tasks they all work towards a common goal. So far this experience was reserved for involved musicians. But now, within two or three hours, we turn a group of people with or without prior musical experience into an actual symphonic orchestra.


An absolutely unique team building experience that will make your team grow closer than ever before. Orchestrate! is without a doubt our most exclusive team building event. Absolute concentration is required as well as intensive and on-point teamwork, from all participants. But as demanding as this sounds, the reward is an experience you will not forget.”

Succeed With Professional Guidance

The aspiring musicians learn how to play strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion instruments. As soon as the instruments have been chosen, the participants will be trained in separate rooms by seasoned and English speaking musicians. As a finale they come together as a powerful symphonic orchestra under the conductor’s guidance. Teamwork is an integral element in the creation of this musical masterpiece. The effects are electrifying, as music has the power to move people and bring them together. Make a non-binding inquiry now!

Teamevent Teilnehmer spielt Gitarre
Orchestrate Teamevent Spielgestalter
Teamevent Orchestrate

A Musical Team Building Exercise That Gives you Goosebumps

Participants of Orchestrate! experience real interdivisional cooperation. Only when the sections of an orchestra are in harmony with each other, greater things can be achieved! The gaming principle of Orchestrate! leads your participants to revel in unexpected learning curves and increases their engagement as well as mutual trust.

Würfel blau
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