Building Bridges
A Team Event based on Connectedness and Communication
What is divided can be united by a bridge and problems can be overcome. Bridges stand as the connection between people and places. Our team event Building Bridges makes this allegory tangible. In this event each participant takes on the role of the bridge building constructor and the role of the client. How is that possible? Each team commissions one component of the bridge to another team, yet they have to construct a bridge component themselves, according to the wishes of yet another team. If the final bridge is to carry weight, each component has to be stable, match up with the neighbouring pieces and of course satisfy the critical customers. A tall order!
Communication and Teamwork
Furthermore, resources for the construction of the bridge are limited and the schedule is demanding. This challenge requires team effort and efficient communication. When all components have been completed they will be linked up to a continuous track, thereby turning individual parts into a majestic bridge.
A Common Goal
In the big finale a RC car will inaugurate the completed bridge and show that the final product is more than the sum of its parts. Building Bridges offers a unique challenge, since each team is forced to act as client as well as service provider. The overall result requires cooperation between all teams, making communication the key to success.

Bridge Construction as Team Building
Building Bridges fosters team spirit and decreases distances between your employees. The change of perspective from client to constructor highlights the importance of key skills like project planning and communication. Further aspects of training and experience in this Team building event are leadership without managerial responsibility and interdivisional cooperation.

Big Picture
de, enGermany wide
Create a lasting memory and visualize goals & company values.
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de, enGermany wide
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Beat the Box
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Our BESTSELLER! The mobile teambuilding in the style of Escape the Room. Playable everywhere in the world!
de, enGermany wide
Puzzle your way through this team challenge with your team and discover unimagined creativity together!