Meryem Yilmaz
Bayer AG
We highly recommend the beloved cathedral city of Cologne for your company outing. Not only is this place renown for Kölsch, Cologne’s very own beer but its unique way of life makes it an ideal place for your next company outing.
Experience AI: Creative Technologies for Team Spirit, Vision, and Inspiring Shared Experiences!
AI Music Awards: The ultimate team event where participants create their own songs with AI technology, produce music videos, and...
Identify essential elements to create a (working) atmosphere during this exciting event.
Our corporate game show takes you on a thrilling journey through the 80s and 90s, packed with music, movies, TV shows, and commercials,...
Our BESTSELLER! The mobile teambuilding in the style of Escape the Room. Playable everywhere in the world!
Save the world with your team and defeat the nasty virus that destroys cooperation and teamwork!
Bee the Change – The CSR event where you create an eco-friendly home for wildlife.
Create a lasting memory and visualize goals & company values.
Shoot a movie trailer with your team and look forward to the atmospheric Oscar ceremony in the circle of colleagues.
And the Oscar goes to... Shoot an award-worthy film trailer with your colleagues from your home office and take part in the virtual...
If a jolt of energy is what you were looking for, you have come to the right place!
Creative, collaborative, and AI-powered – your team as a newsroom!
You and your team can overcome anything if you link up to build a bridge and find out what is your keystone.
A simple game taken to a spectacular level. Everyone knows dominoes. Chain Reaction takes that game and supercharges it. Tip over...
An action-packed team challenge in the open air. Challenge your team!
Diamonds are forever, or so they say. But are you bold enough to risk everything in a daring jungle raid for the precious gems?
...Escape the city with your team in this exciting city adventure.
Get out of the forest of terror in this unique geocaching team event! Find and solve the tricky puzzle stations.
A social commitment that not only helps others but also brings your employees closer together.
This multifaceted online event takes participants to a virtual festival site. Who will walk off the stage as the winner after the...
Experience cybersecurity through play and gain lasting understanding.
Haka is pure power! It serves above all to motivate and is therefore particularly suitable as an activating team-building measure.
...Puzzle your way through this team challenge with your team and discover unimagined creativity together!
An ideal icebreaker when teams are new to each other and the participants do not yet know each other well.
Experience festive fun with your team through creative holiday challenges – with optional beverage service!
The CSI Chief Inspector is at a loss and asks your team for assistance in a murder case!
A celebrity vintner is found dead among his vines. Can you shed light on this mystery and find his killers?
In this unique team building event, the entire staff becomes an orchestra.
Investigate, compete, win – thrilling team challenges meet a tricky murder case!
You and your colleagues become part of a virtual quiz show around the topic of Christmas and participants of an entertaining guessing...
In Race Around The Christmas World Online, individuals compete with their colleagues to save Christmas. Teamwork, communication...
It took Phileas Fogg 80 days to circumnavigate the world. In this day and age you will have to be a bit quicker than that…
Build a raft with your team in this action-packed team event.
Here everyone is in the same boat. Book a fun-filled, exciting rafting tour on the Rhine or on the Sieg!
"Rescue Santa" is a festive corporate escape game where teams solve Christmas-themed puzzles to save Santa Claus within 90 minutes...
Thrill, Strategy, Team Spirit – Squid Game pushes you to your limits!
A revolutionary AI-driven team-building experience that enhances teamwork through exciting mini-games while providing valuable...
As a team, build a real prosthetic hand that will make a lasting difference in someone's life.
Key messages from a conference or corporate values are impressively visualized with AI.
The ultimate corporate quiz show packed with fun, team spirit, and surprising challenges.
An exciting business trading simulation about diamonds, alcohol and tobacco. Also playable in pirate style!
A playful expedition in the historic old town of the "most beautiful city in Germany", Cologne on the Rhine.
A playful expedition in the old town of the capital of NRW and home to the "longest bar in the world".
A playful expedition in the old town of Frankfurt am Main with lots of fun and interesting facts.
A Christmas rally through your city. With iPads and good humor, the teams fight for points and the Christmas crown.
With about one million inhabitants, Cologne is one of the largest cities in Germany.
When people think of Cologne, they often have the image of the cathedral in their minds. But the cathedral is not the only thing that distinguishes our wonderful city. Cologne offers something for everyone and everything. Cologne convinces with its lovely charm and its versatility, and this versatility allows for a wide range of ideas for your next company outing.
No matter if you want to spend a nice day in the Old Town, admire the Hohenzollern Bridge with its love locks or visit the crane houses in the Rheinauhafen. With our Urban Challenge you will get to know Cologne in a playful way and learn far more than just the usual tourist stuff. If this is not exciting enough, try a rafting tour on the Rhine.
If you are planning your company outing regardless of the weather, we have a few event programs ready that can be played indoors with great fun. Play a game of office golf or solve tricky and creative tasks with your colleagues at our iChallenge.
After you have spent a varied day with one of our programs in Cologne, the old town of Cologne offers many possibilities to end the evening with your colleagues with a Kölsch beer. Numerous breweries have space for large groups and offer the famous specialties.
Ask us today for your program for a company outing Cologne without obligation. Your company outing to the most beautiful city in Germany, if the people of Cologne are to be believed.